Last weeks highlights included:
1. Helen and I have nearly finished Gossip Girl season 1. Hopefully I can persuade Hel to buy season 2 as I still haven't seen the last episode.
2. Jane Eyer is getting really good. Oh Mr Rochester, I think I'm in love with you. I'm enjoying finding out about Mr Rochester's dark past and hearing him so eloquently telling Jane he is in love with her.
3. True Blood. It was a good episode this week, I'm well happy Bill and Sookie are together.
4. Random Thursday night battered-ness. Jon and Carly, Noel Edmunds shirt, sexual flavours, Mike the creep, Natalie Portmans rap, drunken phone calls to Pete and Dan, Natwest steps, silver bullets, no-one remembers the walk home, Carlys ultimate bed, the ultimate darkness of Carlys room because none of the lights work, Sarah apologising to Jon for hoovering?! Deal or no Deal etc etc...
5. Winning £50 in premium bonds.
6. Radiohead Vs Phil Collins day.
7. falling over in the front of the builders, who laughed at me for about an hour without asking if I was ok :( I then had to change clothes so I wasn't covered in mud. Being clumsy is the worst D:
8. Mum made a stollen and the Christmas cake.
Today will consist of:
1. Carly and I going to Birmingham and buying lots of things, or at least Carly will be buying new things, I will try not to buy anything because I'm super poor.
2. I nearly forgot. TV is super mega awesome tonight, X FACTOR! and also if we are home in time and not eating our dinner then Merlin and possibly hole in the wall. I think every time I watch Merlin I wish I was married to Colin Morgan a little bit more.

Ghostbusters is my favourite John and Edward performance so far. Although I love them both, I think John is probably my favourite, amazing.
3. Going to the Marrs with some of the best people I know and dancing till our shoes wear out. (I guess this is technically tomorrow as we won't get there till 1, but whatever)
4. Getting a shakees.
5. Sleeping in the best bed in the whole world and probably only getting about 3 hours sleep because I am going to see New Moon with my sister at 10am at Vue.
I really want to get into my pyjamas and go back to bed now :(
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