Arrrrgh, I would say I'm averaging about 3 hours sleep per night, which wouldn't be so bad if it was a solid 3 hours but it's all interrupted and not satisfying. When someone else is there I can sleep a lot better, but at the moment that is not an option :(
With all my extra hours of wakefulness I mostly try and force myself to sleep but the rest of the time I play on Zoo Tycoon on my DS and make sure all my animals are doing ok. Or I read Heart of Darkness or The Robber Bride. Sometimes I'll draw nice things. A lot of the time I listen to my ipod, sometimes on it's own, sometimes when I'm doing any of the above. I've also taken to re-organising my wardrobe. The main problem is that you can't do anything noisy otherwise you'll wake other people up, so annoyingly, using the sewing machine is out of the question, as is t.v or films unless you watch them super quietly.
During the day I get more and more zombie like and fall asleep for ten minute naps at inappropriate times and try my best to not look tired and not fall asleep when people are talking to me.
This weekend, when I haven't been feeling super tired, I played in the snow, found a snow igloo, played worms for 5 hours solidly with Carly and some of her brothers friends, drove to Bristol with Ju to see Owen's mega amazing band play, jaws of a giant, danced to Bugsy Malone at Thekla, saw The Road at the Watershed, and re-found my love for bountys/bounties?

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