Recently I have got well back into napping. Everyday around 3 I have a nice 2 hour nap. I think It started because ever since I have been able to read I nearly always read a book before bed unless I am wasted, someone else is there or both. Inevitably I'm pretty sure I have trained my body to fall asleep after 2-3 hours of Reading-or less if I am tired. So recently I have been afternoon reading and (I assume) therefore have been napping. But now I don't even need to read to have a nap I generally get pretty sleepy around 3 and fall asleep. The only time I can't is when I have work as that usually starts at 3 so I have to postpone the nap until I get home.
Good things about napping are that because you are (most likely) only in stage 1 of the sleep cycle you can have more control over the dream, and they can also be more vivid. For example just now I was dreaming that The Cave by Mumford and Sons was playing in the background, but I changed it to Wow by Kylie Minogue. I don't know why, but that is what I decided. I tend to find sound is a lot more vivid in naps than in dreams, I don't know if that is true for everyone or not.
I also stumbled upon this website yesterday which I thought was pretty funny.

According to the website the position that I sleep in that is closest to the 6 options is Foetus position. This means I am 'tough on the outside but sensitive at heart'. Interesting and probably incorrect although I would say I'm quite a guarded person which I guess could be similar to 'tough' and I'm definitely pretty pathetic which is probably 'sensitive'.
Owen sleeps in the Freefall position which means he is 'often gregarious and brash, but can be nervy and thin-skinned underneath. Doesn't like criticism, or extreme situations'. Haha! I don't think that's right at all, apart from maybe the last part about criticism and extreme situations, but that is probably true of loads of people.
I don't really know the sleeping habits of my other friends but Carly, Yas and maybe Tara are probably Foetus like me. I would like to meet someone that is a Yearner it is one of the strangest sleeping positions ever, they must have super achey arms all the time. Having said that, someone that takes forever to decide something and is then stubborn once they have chosen sounds like someone that would annoy me so maybe I could ask them quickly why they sleep with weird arms and never see them again.

I found this photo and I like it and it is appropriate for this post but it is also one of my worst fears-falling asleep on public transport makes me feel really weak. If I am travelling with someone else it is not so bad but it's still really horrible, urrrrrhhh.
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