My Winnipeg. I've been wanting to watch it since about forever and it's on tv tonight, yessss :D
Adventureland. I'm willing to look past the fact that Kristen 'I can't speak' Stewart is in it.
Avatar. I well love James Cameron
To finish the Wire. I'll start watching it again tomorrow-goodbye life. Actually I also need to finish Deadwood, and The Sopranos, I'm not doing well with all these ace shows.
Complete Zelda on my DS I've had it for ages. And also GTA, I keep getting caught by the police, rubbish
Move out of Malvern and live with my friends again, I love my family, but no.
Olly to win x-factor, cutest guy ever.
To hurry up and be Christmas already, or least winter. Skiing, snow, hats, gloves, scarves, mulled wine, apple crumble and custard, mince pies, TO HAVE THE FIRE ON IN THE KITCHEN, curling up with a good book, clear skies on cold days, yay winter!
A PAID library job please, I'd be such a nice librarian, honest.
A fancy dress party, I haven't been to one for ages. Good themes I would approve of include dinosaurs or animals with a shell.
Pretty much everything from Topshop/Urban Outfitters/the amazing Malvern vintage shop
A daemon. But that's nothing new.
I also remembered this fantastic picture of Louie Walsh that Hannah took last Christmas. Amazing.

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