I also ordered my old AS and A level psychology textbooks off Amazon for 1p each, bargain! I'm pretty excited to get them back as we could only cover some of the topics in the book for A level and when I had them before I didn't really have time to read the rest. Yay, knowledge! :D :D And speaking of knowledge, tonight we got to go to the pub quiz at Olivers, yeah!! However, we came joint 4th out of 6, not so yeah, but everyone else was way older and wiser so it wasn't a shameful defeat.
Other notable things that happened today include:
making me and Hel the most amazing Macaroni cheese ever ever ever, for dinner. The ratio of butter to milk to cheese was perfect yumyumyum

I was so proud I even took a photo, although it looks a bit gross. Anyway, this culinary success has made me want to actually start a proper recipe book. So starting tomorrow I'm going to add good recipes to the recipe book and refine existing ones. I shall become a domestic goddess and then I'll be super a eligible kitchen queen.
I also took Lib for a walk on the hills and the weather was lovely, what was not so lovely however, was that Libby crashed some cool indie kids picnic and they were well unimpressed with me, bad times.
Upon returning from the pub quiz I rang my best friend from uni Joe and had a nice long catch up. Sadly, this has made me well miss Joe because he lives a million miles away in Eastbourne. I really really miss hanging out together at 77 and arguing about something stupid like, which was better ethics or philosophy. And I miss when we used to meet up for pre lecture drinks and then we'd have a fun lecture and then Joe would walk me home and just end up staying round till 4 morning and the sun was up already. Hopefully some day soon someone will invent a teleportation system or work out how to apparate.
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