Yay Ethel! Mum got me the smallest pumpkin I have ever seen, which Dad found hilarious. It's ok though because actually Ethel looks quite cute when she's all small. Sadly Libby hated her, she went mad barking at the pumpkin even though I'd been feeding her bits of Ethels brain for the past 10 minuets.

Giant monster cupcakes :) (you can't tell in the photo but they are in muffin cases so they are pretty much like eating an enormous slice of cake, well by my standards anyway.) I used my Grandmas standard cupcake recipe which was annotated by 6 year old me. My comments were pretty important, things such as ‘get a parent or grandparent to put anything in the oven (advice I should have taken as I ended up burning my finger, owww) and ‘these little cakes would be perfect for a party’ haha. Apparently I also recommend eating the cupcakes with ‘a glass of milk from the fridge’. My dyslexia is fucking awful though literally every single word is jumbled up :(:( I also massively underestimated the tentacles for the monsters so only 1 of them got to look like I wanted it to :(

Bat costumes! As you can see I had more time to make the latter. I decided not to attach a hood to the first one as the material was too slippy to stay on your head. I’m excited to dress up tomorrow :D Jess said her Mums party will have a tonne of free alcohol AND fireworks aceaceace!! Also you can see Iorek in the top photo, yay!
If you couldn't already tell, Halloween is my all time favourite holiday :D even if Mum says it's not a real holiday.
5 reasons why Halloween is my favourite:
1. Its compulsory fancy dress!!! No other holidays force people to dress up, plus Halloween is double great because it has the best theme. Christmas and Easter = horrid slag girls wearing next to nothing with a Christmas hat/bunny ears. Gross. Halloween = vampires/werewolves/the undead/mummys/psycho killers/millions of fake blood etc etc... And even though people do fully slag it up it's not so bad if they are slaggy dead girl, because that is about a million times better than a slaggy rabbit.
2. It reminds me of living in Holland. Dutch people pretty much love anything which gives them an excuse to have a party/dress up. So I really miss people making a big deal of Halloween. I remember when we first moved to England and no one was trick or treating and there were no street parties or fireworks and Helen and I were just like what the fuck?! Where is England's enthusiasm!? Plus in Holland I pretty much always made my birthday the class Halloween party :D so it was good for that reason too.
3. Halloween games!! Bobbing for apples/ghost stories/that thing where you have to eat a doughnut off a string without using your hands/pumpkin carving! etc
4. Everyone starts being mad and doing 'scary' things like staying in haunted houses or Ouija boards and start boasting about various paranormal experiences they've had. Plus all of a sudden everyone wants to watch a horror film, yeah!
5. Halloween food treats! Mum always makes our dinner look like various Halloweeny things, in the past we have enjoyed severed hand, spider cakes, eyeball jelly, bat biscuits, witches brew (soup with food dye in lol) and other Dianne McDowell classics.
I'm now going to make some Halloween decorations for our pitifully decorated house as I'm home alone and (quite obviously) feeling festive :D
you are quite possibley the most enthusiastic person in the world!! i am home alone too!! bad times. well at least we have our dogs.
ReplyDeleteI AM SO TEN MILLION BILLION TIMES UP FOR TOMORROW. Jess says we can come round at half 7 :)
and last year we named our pumpkin Jeffrey, and we tried to use the insides to make pumpkin crumble. that was also the weekend Kieran Donnan visited me. the pumpkin crumble was horrible, even though we put (loads) my special orange blossom honey in it and loads of sugar and custard.
SEE YOU TOMORROW!!! for halloween!
wish I was spending halloween with you in Malvern, I know my halloween will be a dissapointment like every year for the last 4years, and won't slightly be scary :( plus I want a cupcake x