Today the independent had an article on how Werewolfs are experiencing a surge of popularity at the moment. ( Probably due to Twilight, and the vampire obsession everyone seems to have at the moment (according to this article the two go hand-in-hand, although, not literally.) Someone in the article said he wasn't surprised about the surge of popularity that werewolves were experiencing as apparently this reflects the grim financial/social situation at the moment 'who wouldn't want to be able to shapeshift into a wolf and run off into the night, howling at the moon, and being able to demolish one's enemies and anxieties?' ha. Anyhow, apparently a tonne of werewolf films are being remade at the moment which doesn't particularly excite me, BUT I noticed that 'An American werewolf in London' is being shown at Vue, how exciting! I'm so going even if I have to go on my own like a huge loser.
ANWYAY, the whole point of this is that I didn't know that a lycanthrope is a Werewolf. I obviously felt pretty stupid and a bit uneducated. Although I do think I have may have already known this and just forgotten. But whatever, this display of general ignorance has made me think I should attempt to extend my vocabulary so I shall re-subscribe to word of the day :) hurrah for learning!
On a completely different note, I would love a pet Arctic fox :D
The Wolfman with Benicio looks good!!
ReplyDeleteTrue, I nearly wrote with the exception of the wolfman!