Sexy Beast was pretty good, Ray Winstone was completely convincing as a strangely loveable ex safe cracker and Ben Kingsley was brilliant as a crazy psychopath trying to get Ray Winstone to come out of retirement for one last job. I thought it was beautifully shot considering the content and the graphic murder scene blended with the underwater bank heist was perfectly executed.

After the greatness of No Distance Left To Run and Sexy Best Owen forced me and Julia into watching Wild Hogs which has got be the most hilariously terrible film I've seen for years. I still haven't got over the dreadfulness of this monstrosity. This photo accurately captures the appallingness.

Heart of fucking Darkness why aren't you easier to read dammit! I'm still not very interested so I started Factotum instead, oops.

True Blood season 2 is well ace right now, I'm well into all the Fellowship of the Sun madness and brainwashing of poor Jason. Sookie is still super annoying and Eric is still super hot.

On a side note I think that True Blood has overtaken the Wire in terms of best TV show credits.
24 is also well good right now, although I did guess who was working against President Hassan aaages ago, but whatevs. I'd be happy if Dana cheered up a bit, she's so bloody miserable, poor Freddie.

Joes radio show! Joe has the best voice for radio ever ever. You can download it as an mp3 and listen to Joes dulcet tones and delightful song choices on your ipod all day long, wonderful :):)
I thought Heart of Darknes was a little slow to get into, and there was so much build up and the final confrontation was over before I could blink. But afterwards. Afterwards I looked back and realised it was a great book when read on a psychological/spiritual level at the same time. The most stand out bit for me is when the guy on the ship points out that Britain must have been like Africa for the Romans, a mysterious wooded land with sentries dropping like flies from disease and a savage populace to be manipulated. It's so short, once you get cracking, the book'll practically finish itself.
Yeah. Wot he said. Persevere with HOD Lauz, then read Chinua Achebe's response essay to make it a bit more colourful.
ReplyDeleteP.s I too recently watched Wild Hogs and it was TOO terrible to be hilariously so. It was just crap. And poor William H Macy as the clown. Do they not know he is a respected actor and shouldn't be treated like the work experience skivvy?
ALSO. Have you been watching Over the Rainbow? If you haven't, why the heck not. It reminds me of the preamble to Summer Ball 08. Good times.
Aww thanks for encouraging support guys, I finished Factotum and have made a promise to myself to only read Heart of Darkness from now on! Hopefully I'll feel the same way you do and I'll get on Achebe's response straight after!
ReplyDeleteAs for Wild Hogs, did you not even find the kids comedy soundtrack amusing? Poor Macy, he's normally so good, he's easily my favourite in Fargo (after Steve Buscemi but that goes without saying). I haven't heard of Over the Rainbow, I'll check out for sure. Also Claire you'll be pleased to know that I brought Pride and Prejudice from Oxfam today, and I intend to read it with an open mind, promise!